Saturday, May 31, 2008

News And Notes - 5/31/0

First of all, I would like to thank everybody for their overwhelming support of what we're trying to do. We've reached a couple of milestones ( In my eyes ) here at Casa De Kenpo: We have 100 subscribers as of this morning, we have over 2,600 channel views, and we are the #47 most subscribed channels on YouTube in their "Guru" category.

The blue belt techniques are being edited as I write this. They should be up on the site early next week.

The green belt techniques are filmed as well as a few two man techniques from 3rd brown. You will see a different look starting from green, as we are starting to film at Jon Boone's Kenpofit in Eagle Rock, CA. Jon's school is easily accessible off the 2 freeway between Glendale and Pasadena, so if you're ever in the area, drop by for a workout with Jon! Jon is a 3rd degree black belt in American Kenpo and started his journey in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with Chris Snell and Mike Bagwell. 6 years ago after a marathon watching of "Fight Club", Jon packed his bags, moved to Pasadena, CA, and has been a student of ours ever since. We are proud to welcome Jon into our Casa.

Also starting with these next round of videos, will be what we're calling the "Casa De Kenpo Happy Hour" which will feature commentaries on a wide range of martial arts related topics. The first one will be about "power" and I hope everybody likes it. After all of the positive feed back we've received on our first outtake reel, we've decided to make more...which won't be hard...especially with Jon around.

Keep training everybody!
